Banner image: Extract from Holland, Samuel and Charles Pettigrew. “A Plan of the Island of St. John …”, 1765, showing St. Peters at upper left. Original held by Library and Archives Canada, high resolution image courtesy of UPEI GeoREACH Lab.
Samuel Holland surveys the new British possession, renamed St. John’s Island, dividing it into 69 “Lots”, auctioned by lottery to subjects loyal to the Crown. Lot 39, site of the former village of Saint-Pierre, is owned by a succession of British landlords, from Captain George Burns (who names the property Stukely Farm, after his wife's family name), to Robert Shuttleworth, to Charles and Edward Worrell, before being sold back to the Crown in 1854. Meanwhile, the Scottish settlers like the MacEwens are busy developing the land.
Extract from Holland, Samuel, and Andrew Dury. “A plan of the island of St. John ….”, 1775. with St. Peters replaced by Stukely Town.
Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center.